The ITAB Share
ITAB Shop Concept AB’s Class B share was introduced on Nasdaq First North Growth Market on 28 May 2004. The share has been listed on the Main Market of Nasdaq Stockholm (Mid Cap) since 2008. The share is traded under the ticker ITAB.
Share structure
The total number of shares is 219,420,533 shares, of which 215,020,533 ordinary shares with one vote each and 4,400,000 Class C shares with 1/10 of a vote each.
After the reclassification of all previous Class A shares to Class B shares as part of the recapitalisation and new share issue in 2021, the Company only had one class of shares outstanding. In December 2022, the Board of Directors resolved to issue 4,400,000 Class C shares in order to ensure delivery of ordinary shares to employees within the ITAB Group who participate in the performance-based incentive program, LTIP 2022, that was adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 2022, by ITAB subsequently converting the Class C shares into ordinary shares. All 4,400,000 Class C shares were subsequently repurchased by ITAB.
On 28 September 2023, ITAB announced a share buyback program in a maximum amount of MSEK 50. The share buyback program ran from 29 September 2023 until 22 March 2024 when the maximum amount for share buybacks of MSEK 50 was reached. In total, 3,079,659 ordinary shares were repurchased within the program. The buybacks were carried out in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (“MAR”) and the EU Commission’s Delegated Regulation 2016/1052 (the so called “Safe Harbour Regulation”). The purpose of the repurchases was to optimise the capital structure and the intention was to reduce ITAB’s share capital through subsequent share cancellations. Following a resolution on the Annual General Meeting on 15 May 2024, all 3,079,659 repurchased ordinary shares were cancelled.
ITAB currently holds 4,400,000 Class C shares in treasury.
ITAB Shop Concept has approximately 6,300 shareholders.
All ordinary shares carry equal rights to participation in the assets and earnings of ITAB Shop Concept and entitle the holders to one (1) vote each at the General Meetings of Shareholders. Class C shares do not entitle to dividends and have 1/10 of a vote each.